Privacy Policy


We at Boomer Nation take user privacy seriously, and we aim to be transparent as to the data we may collect as well as how it may be used. This privacy policy explains what data we collect, how this data is collected, how the data is used and shared, how it is protected, and your choices about collection and usage.

We will publish the dates of updated versions of this privacy policy as changes are made. If we significantly change this statement or how we use your personal information, we may notify you either by prominently posting a notice prior to implementing the change or by sending you a notification directly. We encourage you to review this statement periodically.

Information we collect about you

Generally, we collect information:

  • When you provide it explicitly to us; for example, when you submit a form on our websites
  • When you install and run our products, use our services, or visit our websites
  • When third parties share information with us

We may collect information that may identify you, such as your name, email address, phone number, email address, device ID and IP addresses, and geolocation data (“personally identifiable information”). We may also collect information such as app activity, interests, gender, age, ZIP code, and other information that does not personally identify you. The Boomer Nation browser may store URLs of pages that you visit, your IP address, a cache of text, images and other resources from those pages on your local device (“browsing history”). We may also collect URLs of pages visited and IP addresses (“minimal browsing information”). The Boomer Nation browser also stores on your local device a list of permissions you have granted to sites, cookies or information from sites you visit, and a record of what you downloaded from websites.

Some products may require your personally identifiable information to function properly. Wherever technically possible, we may ask for your consent to collect your personally identifiable information and offer you the choice to opt-out. When we collect your personally identifiable information, we associate it with a unique ID and a unique device ID that are generated when you install a Boomer Nation product or begin using our services.

To collect information automatically, we may use cookies, web beacons, our own data-collection tools or various third-party services.

We may also collect information from service providers, advertising companies and ad networks, and other third parties who may use tracking technologies, such as cookies, to collect information about users who view or interact with their advertisements. Some third-party sites may monitor data traffic from our products and services, such as numbers of hits and the search terms used.

How we use the information we collect

Unless otherwise stated, we determine the purposes for and manners in which your information is collected.

We may collect and retain your information in order to:

  • Create, improve, debug, and maintain Boomer Nation products and services
  • Study and personalize user experiences
  • Fulfill legal requirements
  • Conduct business analysis and research, and marketing campaigns
  • Ensure better security and fraud protection
  • Serve content and advertising tailored to your interests
  • Communicate with you regarding updates, upgrades, enhancements, surveys, recommendations and/or advertisements

How we share your information

Some of our products and services include third-party technology or code that may use the collected information. We may share information that is not personally identifiable with our partners and other third parties. We may also share minimal browsing information, browsing history, and other anonymized information to partners. We may share personally identifiable information with others if you give explicit consent to do so.

We may also share your information:

  • To service providers
  • To government bodies and law enforcement agencies to comply with the law, for example in judicial proceedings, by court order, or other legal process
  • To third parties (including professional advisors) to enforce or defend our legal rights, including our terms and conditions, and investigate violations thereof
  • To a third-party purchaser or seller (including professional advisors) in connection with a corporate event such as a merger, business acquisition, or insolvency situation
  • To detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues

How we protect your data

We take appropriate security measures to help safeguard both personally identifiable information and the other information we may collect from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. We may retain your information as long as necessary for processing it in accordance with the purposes described in this policy, or as otherwise necessary to comply with applicable laws. When your data is no longer necessary or relevant for our purposes, or required by applicable laws, we take steps to have it deleted, aggregated or made anonymous

Your choices about collection and use of your information

You can manage your information in the Boomer Nation browser. At any time, you can delete your browsing history and remove any cookies or other site data stored on your device.

The Boomer Nation browser gives you the option to store on your local device in an encrypted fashion your usernames and passwords to help fill out forms or sign in to sites you visit.

You don’t have to grant any permissions to Boomer Nation in order to use the Boomer Nation browser. Boomer Nation may ask for permissions (for example, Boomer Nation may ask to send you push notifications or for location information) in order to enhance the Boomer Nation user experience, but you can choose whether to grant those permissions. Similarly, some sites might request your location or other permissions when you visit them using Boomer Nation , but you always have a choice as to whether you share that information.

When you use Boomer Nation ’s Privacy Mode, the Boomer Nation browser does not collect your browsing history information and deletes any cookies or other downloaded information when you close any tabs that were opened in Privacy Mode. It is important to understand that using Privacy Mode does not hide your browsing activities from your internet service provider or from your employer if you are using their network.

You can find out if we hold any information about you by contacting us using the contact information below. You may be asked to prove your identification so that we can verify who is making the request. If we hold information about you, you can ask us to correct any mistakes and request that information be deleted.

Contact information

If you have any questions about this statement or any privacy issues regarding Boomer Nation and our products or services, we can be reached at:

Boomer Nation [ address / contact information ]